Sunday, January 24, 2010

I Stay Strong on Twitter

After a long break, I Stay Strong (I.S.S.) is back on Twitter. As we all know, strength comes in numbers. With Twitter having global appeal, I.S.S. hopes to reach those who desire inner, outer and strength from others during their time of need. Adversity sometimes slows us down, but in the end it makes us stronger.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

A Catastrophe Beyond Imagination

The definition of strength; the quality or state of being strong : capacity for exertion or endurance.

The people of Haiti have exhibited the very definition of the word, immensely, in the wake of the catastrophic earthquake which devastated the nation. In fact, over the last three years Haiti has been inundated with a series of hurricanes and other ailments prescribed by mother nature. It almost seems unfair, but as many Haitians would attest, their faith remains as solid as the infrastructures that remain sturdy despite the surrounding destruction.

A nation already ravished in poverty, the people of Haiti need food, water, clothing and a sense of unity from everyone around the world.

If you are watching your television, you can see the horrific events unfold before your very eyes. If you are listening, you would know that Haitians are in dire need of medical supplies and other basic necessities. If you are reading the newspaper, you are reading about Haiti; if you are listening to the radio, you are hearing about Haiti. Perhaps you know that despite help from the US and others, many are still trapped beneath the rubble; the death doll continues to climb. Whatever you do, help. Whatever you say, may you speak urgent words of love, encouragement and optimism to the Haitian people.

We cannot sit back and turn the other cheek. We must support Haitians in their time of need.

Donating to relief effort takes seconds. The best way to help, check out the Yele Foundation at

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Welcome to a New Decade

It's 2010! And while 2009 was certainly a year for the records, I Stay Strong is unequivocally committed to aspiring; we will continue to find people of strength, words of encouragement, making sure finding strength during adversity continues to be the ongoing message.

Without sounding like every other blog, reflecting on last year, let's focus on moving forward to a new decade. 2010 and beyond should be about being the best person you could possibly be. Times are changing, challenging us all to step up and become globally connected. Thinking outside the box is only the beginning.

May this year bring about all you hope and desire.

God bless and remember to Stay Strong.