Sunday, October 18, 2009

The End

There is this belief that looms over our society; the belief that the world, as we know it, is coming to an end. With Hollywood pumping out movies such as I Am Legend, The Knowing and 2012, all symbolizing the end, what else are we suppose to infer?

It is the job of the entertainment industry to "entertain" us, though it would be slightly more comforting if we had more movies that empowered us to stay strong through real chaos; war, racism, famine, women and gay rights, terrorism.

Yes, there is so much more to be done in society, so much we need to accomplish as people.

Innately, we are strong. People exhibit strength though the most dire circumstances (9/11, Hurricane Katrina). It's amazing what happens when we put aside or differences and really come together as humans, not color, not race, not social class, but as people that care about our future.

Forget the fodder of Hollywood. Yes, we don't need their outlandish views on how it will all "end," we need them to show us the beginning.

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