Monday, July 27, 2009

The Hard Stuff

A death in the family, a sick loved one, tough financial situations; life can be like an unexpected summer storm.

How do we get through the hard stuff?

Aside from drawing strength from personal experiences, I Stay Strong believes that celebrating literature leads to inspiration. Reading empowers us and finding the right book can be as invigorating as a soak in a hot tub.

Faith, Courage, Wisdom, Strength and Hope by Stacy Chillemi is a wonderful book of poetry that really dotes on the power of positivity and the countless ways we draw strength, especially when we feel hopeless.

Like homemade chicken soup, FCWSH comforts.

Friday, July 24, 2009

The Three FFF's

Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is a serious debilitating disease that is very painful. Many who suffer are subjected to taking high doses of various medications. Kerima Brown, 54 of Poughkeepsie, NY was diagnosed with the disease in her early forties. When asked about her management of the disease, Brown says she relies on prayer and her medication. Brown admits that there are very good days and there are days when she feels her body is giving up.

"I just try to thank God for what I have, my arms, my legs etc. I want to be able to grow old and still play with my grandchildren." Sitting in her home, Brown doesn't look like she has the disease, which can become evident. RA can cause arms, hands or feet to deform.

So what keeps Brown grounded? The devout Christian credits her three "FFF's" family and friends for keeping her head up and mind focused on what really matters; enjoying life.

For more information on RA, visit:

Thursday, July 23, 2009

New Priorities

When Amy Williams* lost her job in April, she already was anticipating spending countless hours online looking for jobs. But Williams decided to shift her focus to more important endeavors.
"I wasn't really in a rush to look for another job. I was actually happy about being laid off. I just wanted to be able to spend more time with my kids." Williams said.

Taking her focus off of the job lost, Williams was able to apply for government programs that she once was overqualified for. This eased the burden off of her and her family.
Although the mother of two has enjoyed birthday parties, cookouts and library readings with her two sons, Williams is now ready to jump back into the job hunt.

"I took the time to really think about what direction I want to go in, but the real benefit has been my time as a stay-at-home mom," Williams says.

Even as unemployment continues to rise, there is no shortage of people looking on the bright side of things. Just ask Williams.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

True Fighter

Some little girls dream of making it on the big screen. Most, don't have to battle cancer to get there. Originally published in The Poughkeepsie Journal, New York State's oldest newspaper, Jaclyn Murphy is a cancer survivor. She is also a noted Arlington High School lacrosse player. Murphy's story will be featured on HBO's "Real Sports With Bryant Gumbel."

One can only imagine the agony Murphy underwent as a cancer patient. Cancer comes at any time, at any age. Not only do many patients experience extreme physical pain, but a cancer diagnosis can have tragic results. But turning tragedy into triumph breaks any preconceived notions that cancer can't be defeated. It can. There are many more survivors out there who can inspire us. Murphy's devoted friends are proof. Friends of Jaclyn Foundation supports young children with a pediatric brain tumor.

Stories such as Murphy's are encouraging and Murphy herself should be embraced as a true fighter.

For more information on this story, go to:

Monday, July 20, 2009

Tough Love

When I Stay Strong read about Jessica Polmann in an article (U.S News & World Report) about the rise of heroin in the suburbs, it was clear that her fight to remain drug-free was and will always be a struggle.

Instead of wondering about the high school prom or what college they want to attend, teens are falling prey to illegal drugs, particularly heroin. Heroin is fatal, a drug so potent, that anyone can become addicted. While, it is possible to fight this addiction, it will take the support of friends, family and the community to stay clean.

It has been reported that the usage of the prescription drug opiates can lead to heroin addiction. Thought to be known as a inner-city drug, heroin has began to creep into the suburbs.

At the time the article was written, Polmann had been clean for 5 months. She is proof that help for heroin addiction is out there. we can only hope that she continues on her quest to a drug free life.

If you know someone who is a addict or you suspect they may have a drug problem, contact:

Saturday, July 18, 2009

I Stay Strong

Welcome to I Stay Strong. Life can sometimes bring about challenges that can change who we are, even if that's not what we want. Circumstances come and go, but it's how you deal with the aftermath that counts. We can choose to be weak or we can choose to be strong. Not only should we be, but we shall stay strong.