Monday, July 20, 2009

Tough Love

When I Stay Strong read about Jessica Polmann in an article (U.S News & World Report) about the rise of heroin in the suburbs, it was clear that her fight to remain drug-free was and will always be a struggle.

Instead of wondering about the high school prom or what college they want to attend, teens are falling prey to illegal drugs, particularly heroin. Heroin is fatal, a drug so potent, that anyone can become addicted. While, it is possible to fight this addiction, it will take the support of friends, family and the community to stay clean.

It has been reported that the usage of the prescription drug opiates can lead to heroin addiction. Thought to be known as a inner-city drug, heroin has began to creep into the suburbs.

At the time the article was written, Polmann had been clean for 5 months. She is proof that help for heroin addiction is out there. we can only hope that she continues on her quest to a drug free life.

If you know someone who is a addict or you suspect they may have a drug problem, contact:

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