Friday, July 24, 2009

The Three FFF's

Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is a serious debilitating disease that is very painful. Many who suffer are subjected to taking high doses of various medications. Kerima Brown, 54 of Poughkeepsie, NY was diagnosed with the disease in her early forties. When asked about her management of the disease, Brown says she relies on prayer and her medication. Brown admits that there are very good days and there are days when she feels her body is giving up.

"I just try to thank God for what I have, my arms, my legs etc. I want to be able to grow old and still play with my grandchildren." Sitting in her home, Brown doesn't look like she has the disease, which can become evident. RA can cause arms, hands or feet to deform.

So what keeps Brown grounded? The devout Christian credits her three "FFF's" family and friends for keeping her head up and mind focused on what really matters; enjoying life.

For more information on RA, visit:

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