Thursday, July 23, 2009

New Priorities

When Amy Williams* lost her job in April, she already was anticipating spending countless hours online looking for jobs. But Williams decided to shift her focus to more important endeavors.
"I wasn't really in a rush to look for another job. I was actually happy about being laid off. I just wanted to be able to spend more time with my kids." Williams said.

Taking her focus off of the job lost, Williams was able to apply for government programs that she once was overqualified for. This eased the burden off of her and her family.
Although the mother of two has enjoyed birthday parties, cookouts and library readings with her two sons, Williams is now ready to jump back into the job hunt.

"I took the time to really think about what direction I want to go in, but the real benefit has been my time as a stay-at-home mom," Williams says.

Even as unemployment continues to rise, there is no shortage of people looking on the bright side of things. Just ask Williams.

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