Monday, August 31, 2009

5 Simple Steps

If there was enough money to go around the world and back again, fewer problems would exist in the world. We'd be able to feed the hungry, everyone would have a job and everyone would be able to afford a good solid education.

Of course, that's not the case.

Debt is swallowing Americans whole. Statistics show that even big corporations such as Washington Mutual aren't safe from debt.

Dept takes down more than corporations; debt can harm a marriage, friendship, a family or any other type of relationship. If big companies can't control their monies, how can we? ISS offers 5 simple steps to getting on the fast track to getting out of debt:

1. Develop a plan on how you will conquer your debt.
2. Seek out financial services that offer debt management or consolidation.
3. With many famous financial gurus like Dave Ramsey and Suze Orman, getting financial help is a mere click away (see below).
4. Be patient. Getting out of debt will take time, commitment and consistency.
5. Communicate. No matter what, keep your partner, spouse, family or friend informed about your financial goals.

Money management is essential. When you have a grasp of your money, you are able to focus on other important things in your life. Here are the top three sites that give fantastic advice on how to build a better financial future:

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Imperfect Angel

Mariah Carey released her debut album, Mariah Carey in 1990. The biracial beauty wowed audiences with her unique vocal range and smooth voice. She smashed the competition with hits like "Vision of Love," "Love Takes Time," and "Someday." She has gone on to sell 160 million records worldwide and is the best selling female artist of all time.

But all that glitters is not gold. The ambitious singer has had several struggles including a highly publicized divorce, a few poorly-reviewed albums and a televised meltdown. The singer bravely ventured out into the world of acting, only to be slammed by the media for her performance in the movie Glitter. Carey has since acted in critically-acclaimed flicks such as Tennessee and the soon to be released Precious. In it, Carey plays a social worker and is already winning rave reviews for her performance.

Through her ups and downs, Carey remains a staple in the music industry. She is happily married to actor Nick Cannon and is set to release her album "Memoirs of an Imperfect Angel" this September. The title couldn't be more fitting for a music legend that has dealt with an imperfect image and for some reason, this makes Mariah Carey seem just perfect.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Weighty Issue

The key to staying healthy is being comfortable in your own skin, right? Of course, maintaining a healthy diet and exercise regime is necessary.

What happens when your weight becomes the center of attention? That appears to be the issue for American Idol Kelly Clarkson. Clarkson has battled the press who continuously criticize her weight. From Hollywood to the music industry, the press just won't except the fact that not everyone is a size zero.

Clarkson is a prime example and a great role model for young women who constantly struggle with their weight. She praises herself and celebrates her body for what it is. Other celebs that proudly flaunt their voluptuous and curvy figures include; Jennifer Lopez, Beyonce, and Christina Hendricks.

Ironically, television host Kelly Ripa is often frowned upon for her incredibly lithe frame. Ripa shuns the naysayers and often mentions that she is proud of her body.

ISS applauds Clarkson and Ripa for their bold statements about their weight. The media is like high school and if you don't stand up for yourself, you will be ridiculed.

Let's celebrate these women for who they are and admire them for just being comfortable in their own skin.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Time Can Heal

Diane Schuler decided to take a ride with her three nieces and daughter one day after camp. Schuler made a life-changing decision the moment she stepped into that car. She decided to drink and drive. Not only was it discovered that she had an absurd amount of alcohol in her system, but she also used marijuana, a substance, a drug known for impairing one's judgement.

On July 26, Schuler drove the wrong-way on the very busy Taconic State Parkway. She ultimately slammed into an oncoming SUV carrying three men. All three were killed.

This could have been Nicole Richie's story. On Decemeber 12, 2006 Richie was driving the wrong way on a California freeway, with prescription drugs in her system. Richie did not have anyone in her car. Luckily, her life and others were spared. But this is not the ending for Schuler.

Sadly this story ends tragically. Schuler took the lives of herself, daughter, three nieces and three innocent men.

How can one forgive a woman who knowingly put herself and others in danger?

Time. Only time will heal the hearts of those who survived. In time can we forgive Schuler and her horrific mistake.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Laugh, laugh, laugh

Have you ever been in a room with people that are dry and dull? If you have, there is nothing like a funny joke to break the dry ice. Laughter is known as the best medicine.
How often do you laugh? What makes you laugh until your belly hurts?

I've pondered these questions, especially during times, I'm in need of comfort. Laughing is a natural way of spreading joy to our bones. It's probably the reason why The Simpsons have been on for so long.

If your into laughter along with a little unorthodox humor, you must visit

When life throws you lemons, make lemonade and laugh while your doing it.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

A Love Lost

As we go through life we try to enjoy the moments that make us happy and get through those tough times where everything around you may feel like its crumbling. Nothing solidifies this notion more so than watching a loved one pass away.
How do you move forward?
Here are some ways to get through the pain and sorrow:

1. Surround yourself with loved ones.
2. Engage in activities that make you feel good inside and out.
3. Trust in your faith 100%
4. Seek bereavement counseling.
5. Create a memory book or photos of that person.
6. Allow yourself to grieve.

This list isn't the final antidote. Always seek professional help if you feel yourself becoming depressed.

Go to for more ways of dealing with grief.