Thursday, August 6, 2009

Time Can Heal

Diane Schuler decided to take a ride with her three nieces and daughter one day after camp. Schuler made a life-changing decision the moment she stepped into that car. She decided to drink and drive. Not only was it discovered that she had an absurd amount of alcohol in her system, but she also used marijuana, a substance, a drug known for impairing one's judgement.

On July 26, Schuler drove the wrong-way on the very busy Taconic State Parkway. She ultimately slammed into an oncoming SUV carrying three men. All three were killed.

This could have been Nicole Richie's story. On Decemeber 12, 2006 Richie was driving the wrong way on a California freeway, with prescription drugs in her system. Richie did not have anyone in her car. Luckily, her life and others were spared. But this is not the ending for Schuler.

Sadly this story ends tragically. Schuler took the lives of herself, daughter, three nieces and three innocent men.

How can one forgive a woman who knowingly put herself and others in danger?

Time. Only time will heal the hearts of those who survived. In time can we forgive Schuler and her horrific mistake.

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