Friday, August 7, 2009

Weighty Issue

The key to staying healthy is being comfortable in your own skin, right? Of course, maintaining a healthy diet and exercise regime is necessary.

What happens when your weight becomes the center of attention? That appears to be the issue for American Idol Kelly Clarkson. Clarkson has battled the press who continuously criticize her weight. From Hollywood to the music industry, the press just won't except the fact that not everyone is a size zero.

Clarkson is a prime example and a great role model for young women who constantly struggle with their weight. She praises herself and celebrates her body for what it is. Other celebs that proudly flaunt their voluptuous and curvy figures include; Jennifer Lopez, Beyonce, and Christina Hendricks.

Ironically, television host Kelly Ripa is often frowned upon for her incredibly lithe frame. Ripa shuns the naysayers and often mentions that she is proud of her body.

ISS applauds Clarkson and Ripa for their bold statements about their weight. The media is like high school and if you don't stand up for yourself, you will be ridiculed.

Let's celebrate these women for who they are and admire them for just being comfortable in their own skin.

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