Sunday, September 20, 2009

A Marathon of the Heart

Being an active participant in the community is something I Stay Strong admires. Without volunteers and the like, most communities wouldn't survive.

Today, The Dutchess County Marathon was held at the Wappingers Recreation Center in Wappinger, NY. Under a bright blue sky and a warm sun, eager participants ran the 13.5 mile route complete with sprawling hills, lush trees and spacious terrain. The weather was perfect, cool and crisp. The energy was high and ISS was there to support students in the Hyde Park Central School District.

While running itself is done individually, it is a courageous sport, a sport filled with people with BIG hearts. Residents who support their community and do things for the greater good were found in Wappinger. Students and educators from Our Lady of Lourdes School were spotted running for the memory of their beloved Lizzie Miller.

Optimism is the greatest tool to living a great life. -Lizzie Miller 1990 - 2009

The women, young and old, stood beside each other all sporting dark green shirts with yellow lettering, Miller's quote printed clearly on the back of their shirts. This quote easily tugs at the heart strings. No matter what circumstances we may face, sometimes having an optimistic attitude makes all the difference. Obviously, the great mind behind the words is no longer here with us. How blessed is she to have a group of supporters who have gathered in honor of her precious memory? Is there any gesture with more heart?

With adoring smiles and pleasant attitudes and not a frown seen on their faces, it looks like the optimism Miller talked about has spread.

For more information on this event go to:
For more information on Lizzie Miller go to:

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