Monday, September 7, 2009

School Daze

For teens and young men and women around the country, school is already in session or is about to start. Whether you just started high school or you're entering your first year of college, the world of education brings about a fresh start.

Its no easy feat to start anew, so here are a few tips to get you started:

1. Set goals for yourself. The more you plan and research what it is you want to accomplish, the better you will feel about yourself and you'd be more willing to help others.
2. Don't dwell on last year. We all make mistakes. Look at this school year as a fresh start. Any regrets you might have, put them aside.
3. Keep positive people around you. The power of positivity runs ramped in this blog. Being positive really keeps life in perspective, no matter what the circumstances.
4. Read, research and ask questions. The more you read, the more you will understand. Internet research provides opportunities to assist you in paperwork and other projects. If you don't know something, ask.
5. Let loose. Don't chain yourself to a desk or spend countless hours at a public library. Make sure you take time out for yourself. Do get exercise, eat a healthy diet and engage in a positive activity that is rewarding to your soul.

Best of luck!

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